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Four Reasons Why We Are Ready to Know Our True Self Now

Posted February 3, 2010, at 12:58 PM by John H. Longo

In my daily meditations,
I am sometimes guided to provide information that is generally helpful for everyone, so I will make that information available from time-to-time for others to also benefit.  This morning my guides helped me understand why people are now able to evolve spiritually to know their spiritual being while in physical form even though this was not possible for the general population earlier.  Below are the reasons I received from my guides:
"First, you must understand that people are ready to begin to accept the existence of a spiritual dimension to their being, but they have difficulty with the idea of tapping into that spiritual dimension to help them in the physical dimension.  We would like to help them understand that their spiritual self is here to help their physical self, and they are able to tap into that capability now because the planet has evolved to a point that everyone can now feel those higher vibrations once they start to open up to them.
"Second, you must know that people desire to know their higher self, but they have been taught through many generations that this is not possible in physical form except for mystics and sages.  We would like to help them understand that the mystics and sages of earlier generations were able to access their spiritual being, while ordinary people were not, because they were sent from higher vibration environments to keep humanity aligned with certain basic teachings so they would be ready to evolve when the time was right.  That time is now.
"Third, we would like to help them know that when they learn to access their higher self, they are able to do it because humanity is ready to know themselves as both physical and spiritual beings in physical form.  This is because it is all part of the evolution of humanity, which has been occurring since the beginning of time in one form or another.  In other words, it may not have been on earth or in physical form, but their spirits have been evolving since the beginning of time to prepare for this moment of evolution.
"Fourth, we would like to help them know that once they are able to tap into their spiritual being as well as their physical being, they will be able to live a physical life with an understanding of their true spiritual purpose for being on earth.  Once they know that, they are able to know why they are now able to access their spiritual beings while in physical form, which is to begin to incorporate their spiritual abilities into their physical life to help themselves and others end suffering and live a more joyous life."
The CPEvolution Process helps people remove all of the barriers to knowing their higher self, tapping into their intuitive abilities, and incorporating their spiritual being into their physical life.  Through the CPEvolution Process, people can learn to achieve their grandest desire and companies can use a similar process called CBEvolution to help them achieve their Greatest Market Purpose™.  Information on CBEvolution is available at 

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